Jan 1, 2015 | Archive
The Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) has proposed Fiscal Incentives for identified Tourism Enterprise Zones (TEZs) in the country. Below are the proposed incentives quoted from the website of TIEZA, www.tieza.gov.ph: Income Tax Holiday...
Dec 1, 2014 | Archive
San Vicente, Palawan was identified by the tourism infrastructure and enterprise zone authority (TIEZA) as a flagship tourism enterprise zone (TEZ). As a TEZ, TIEZA actively takes the role of promoting San Vicente to both foreign and domestic companies/corporations to...
Nov 1, 2014 | Archive
With the very robust potential of San Vicente in terms of tourism, four (4) tourism clusters were identified to wit: Tourism Cluster 1 is basically a combination of coastal, inland, and island settings. It includes five (5) villages, namely: Poblacion New Agutaya San...